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Action Plan

Youth and new leadership | ଯୁବ ଏବଂ ନବ ନେତୃତ୍ୱ;

  • Establish a Swachh Sarkar eradicating corruption and including same level of people;

  • Eradicate corrupt practice during election prachar (people should fund the election process to establish a Swachh Sarkar and better future;

  • Take control of the reigns of politics by creating and developing a party by the concerned people. Avoid the party which is being controlled by people who do not share anything in common;

  • Groom leaders from within for betterment and fantastic future;

  • Liberate the reserved seats from the people not belonging to the reserved people;

  • Develop the leadership who talk on behalf of the people and not under the control of unrelated people;

  • Take the responsibility for own development. Constitution has provided adequate provisions and protections;

  • Keep power within for self empowerment. Do not give to someone and beg for some concession from him. It is like depending on ATM or Bank officials and thanking him for giving money whenever you require;

  • Discard corrupt, inefficient, uneducated leaders and select and elect good, efficient, social and educated leaders;

  • When opportunity is there, make use of the same. These occasion, provisions or time may not or will not come in the future.


Samarthan, Paribartan, Samadhan | ସମର୍ଥନ ରୁ ପରିବର୍ତ୍ତନ ଓ ସମାଧାନ;

  • Extend support to a party which is being created by people like you;

  • Extend support to a person who is belonging to you and like you;

  • Support counts in a democratic process;

  • Your support is required for a change in the system of governance and way and standard of life;

  • Change is really required for liberation from the shackles of control, deprivation, poverty and backwardness;

  • If you are not changing, you are remaining perpetually under a regime who is ruling and controlling you;

  •  Poverty will not go if you are not supporting a party created for you and do not want to change yourself and the present corrupt system adopted by the alien people;

  • The solution to problems will only come when you yourself plan, make policy and implement the same;

  • Solution is always there, but it is dependent upon the seeker;

  • Extend samarthan, bring paribartan for overall development.


Know the Constitution | ସମ୍ବିଧାନ କୁ ଜାଣିବା;

  • Development can only be achieved through determination, dedication and understanding of the Constitution and Constitutional provisions;

  • The Constitutional provisions and our present day political behaviour is contradictory;

  • When opportunity is plenty, why not to explore the same to own advantage;

  • The person who is not eligible for contesting from a seat has become the authority to recommend a name for contesting from that seat;

  • In another words he has somehow been able to control that seat also by sabotaging the provisions of the Constitution;

  • Constitution has provided may enabling environment and provisions, make use of that otherwise, time is not far, you will be treated not also as Second Class Citizen.


Duty and change for majority rule |  ସଙ୍ଖ୍ୟା ଗରିଷ୍ଠତା ଶାସନ ପାଇଁ କର୍ତ୍ତବ୍ୟ ଏବଂ ପରିବର୍ତ୍ତନ;

  • The existence and development of the marginal but majority people depend on their ability to choose good and faithful people;

  • When majority people are covered under the reservation policy, its provisions, process, implementation and benefits cannot be expected from a person at the helm of affairs who is not from that category;

  • When 90% population are beneficiaries of reservation, then why the policy implementation responsibility is given to persons belonging to remaining 10% population. That affirmative action will not be implemented as the stakeholder and policy maker belongs to different categories i.e. apart from ST & SC :40%, OBC: 40% and Economically Weaker Section: 10%.


Voting is part of fundamental right | ଭୋଟ ର ଶକ୍ତି କୁ ବୁଝିବା;

  • Voting right is a fundamental right. Vote without allurement, false promise, fear and intimidation;

  • There is no time left to serve the people. If service is required, people should bear the cost of election and it is very nominal;

  • Small contribution will bring huge impact and historical change;

  • The people should start thinking to elect able, capable and learned representatives and should not encourage per cent, bribe and contractor driven politics;

  • The majority people should elect their able representatives by extending donations or contributions. Otherwise, the representatives are carrying their election baggage and spending full term to clear their liabilities;

  • The people should start thinking to elect able, capable and learned representatives and should not encourage per cent, bribe and contractor driven politics.


Power of co-operation and contribution | ସହଯୋଗ ଏବଂ ଅବଦାନର ଶକ୍ତି କୁ ଜାଣିବା;

  • Co-operation of 5000 people in a Constituency and contribution of Rs. 500 will bring the desired change;

  • People could enjoy the fruit of democracy and authority with this much sacrifice;

  • It is like a Self Help Group movement to save democracy and dependency.


Add Jai Sambidhan, Bidwan & Shramdan | ଜୟ ସମ୍ବିଧାନ, ଜୟ ବିଦ୍ୱାନ ଓ ଜୟ ଶ୍ରମଦାନ କୁ ଯୋଡିବା;

  • In addition to Jai Sainik, Krushak, Baigyanik (Vigyan and Anusandhan), Jai should also be extended to Sambidhan, Sikshak (Bidwan) and Shramik (Shramdan).


Food, education, health, housing and clothing | ଖାଦ୍ୟ, ଶିକ୍ଷା, ସ୍ୱାସ୍ଥ୍ୟ, ଗୃହ ଏବଂ ବସ୍ତ୍ର  ର ବ୍ୟବସ୍ଥା;

  • This requires urgent attention;

  • 80 crore out of 140 crore people are under poverty line;

  • Poor people have to take the onus of governance for their own development for which Constitution has provided adequate provisions.


Know the position and possibility | ସ୍ଥିତି ଏବଂ ସମ୍ଭାବନା ର ଜ୍ଞାନ ଆହରଣ;

  • The representatives from the reserved seats have become subservient to their political masters. They are not being allowed to speak or they are incapable to speak on ST / SC matters;

  • This is a dangerous situation as they will not utter a single word also when acts or policies are passed compromising the interest of the STs and SCs;

  • Knowledge about the poor people is the minimum requirement;

  • The possibility is there provided the people for whom it is being discussed or thought of should realise the aim and target;

  • The specific problems of a community will be understood by persons who are familiar with language, script, social behaviour and social character of that community;

  • When the basic amenities like community hygiene, toilet, Aadhar Card, Voter Card names have not been ensured what to talk about other things.


Awake, Act & Alter | ଜାଗ୍ରତ ହେବା, କାର୍ଯ୍ୟ କରିବା ଏବଂ ପରିବର୍ତ୍ତନ ଆଣିବା;

  • There is a provision to choose your representatives who will be instrumental in putting forward the community welfare and conditions;

  • Do not rely on party(ies) which does/do not have any provision for prominent posts or recommendation of the person who himself is not eligible to contest from that seat;

  • When 90% population are beneficiaries of reservation, then why the policy implementation responsibility is given to persons belonging to remaining 10% population. That affirmative action will not be implemented as the stakeholder and policy maker belongs to different categories i.e. apart from ST & SC :40%, OBC: 40% and Economically Weaker Section: 10%.


Formation of Govt. possible | ଓଡିଶା ରେ ସରକାର ଗଠନ ସମ୍ଭାବନା କୁ ସାକାର କରିବା;  

  • Formation of Government of Odisha in the year 2024 is also possible. When Constitution has provided possibility ahead of others, why not to explore that possibility; ST: 33 seats, SC: 24 seats in Odisha Legislative Assembly; When a person is behind 57 seats as he is not eligible to contest in these seats, when he aspires to become the CM, Minister or the MLA, then why ST & SC people should remain aloof from the political power.


Training and empowerment | ତାଲିମ ଏବଂ ସଶକ୍ତିକରଣ

  • It will be a continuous process to acquire knowledge;

  • People need to be educated on Constitutional provisions, purposes and possibilities;

  • Empowerment will be achieved through co-operation, sense of belongingness, share and care​.

Aims & Objectives

  1. Seek power from the people of the Country towards establishing an order where power remains with and enjoyed by Public. Power to the Public should be the paramount policy and will be achieved through the process of People’s Support (Samarthan), System Reform/Change (Parivartan) and Possible  Solution (Samadhan).

  2. Create an enabling environment and possibility with power (Shakti), speed (Gati) and development (Pragati) for a modern, vibrant, strong, corruption free and peaceful Bharat that is India which is Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic;

  3. Work towards securing i) Justice – Social, Economic and Political – to percolate down to the last person in the line; ii) Liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; iii) Equality of status and opportunity in all spheres of life, for individual and communities; iv) Fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;

  4. Establish Shramik Kalyan Kendras and to take suitable measures in order to dignify the virtues of labour through Shramik Kalyan Initiatives;

  5. Augment Farmers’ livelihood through food security, financial, technical assistance, irrigation facilities etc.;

  6. Work for providing basic standards of life to all sections of people with the implementation of social security measures (food, clothing, housing, electricity, education, water etc.), extending better health and other services through proper infrastructure, standards and use of information technology;

  7. Promote Art, Crafts, Literature, Sports and Culture, creation of indoor and outdoor facilities for promotion as well as Artists’ and Stakeholders’ welfare. Promotion of National Integration through creation of inter State educational/cultural institutions where sizable population of other States are residing;

  8. Put in place Reform process to eradicate social inequality, ensure dignified life (samman), evolve better administration, enhance performance, achieve development, effect equitable distribution of resources etc.;

  9. Implement the provisions of the Constitution of India or as by law established in letter and spirit relating to Scheduled Tribes, Scheduled Castes, Other Backward Classes, Minorities and other weaker sections of the society;

  10. Create proper Roads, Infrastructure, Rest Rooms, Bus Stands, Communication facilities etc. for safe, dignified and better life;

  11. Establish academy for spoken language(s) for their promotion in addition to the existing academy for promotion of major/recognised language(s);

  12. Improve education system, institution and infrastructure with special emphasis on mother tongue education at appropriate level;

  13. Encourage public sector and co-operative sector for better performance, competition, progress, prosperity and balance;

  14. Help section of people  who are yet to be accorded recognition to their religious identity, practices, language, script by the Constitution of India or any other authority (ies) of the Country;

  15. Work towards according equal status to languages recognized by the Constitution/Government of India;

  16. Provide better services to income tax payers;

  17. Work towards bringing reform in the employment processes in the country; (Interview to be only for qualification or for feedback, or for training need or for determining the seniority in case of tie in written examination. The open seats will be filled up by the applicants as per their rank in the written examination irrespective of the reservation status of the candidates.)

  18. Implement learning of two languages (one being the mother tongue) with equal importance and level at primary level (upto fifth class);

  19. Bring enabling provisions for identifying lapses and accountability during rehabilitation and resettlement of displaced persons;

  20. Accord due emphasis, recognition, respect to  Bidwan  (Shikshak) and Shramdan (Shramik) etc. also for creation of a solid bedrock of education system and infrastructure in addition to Jawan (Sainik), Kisan (Krusak), Vigyan and Anusandhan (Baigyanik).

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